(www.tellpetsuppliesplus.com) Pet Supplies Plus Neighbor Satisfaction Survey

Please visit www.tellpetsuppliesplus.com.

About Pet Supplies Plus:

Pet Supplies Plus, established in 1988, has evolved into one of the largest pet supply retail chains in the U.S. With over 320 locations across 25 states, the store offers a unique supermarket-style experience for pet owners, providing a diverse range of pet care supplies, grooming items, live fish, reptiles, and even seasonal pets. The chain's commitment to customer satisfaction is exemplified through its Neighbor Satisfaction Survey, designed to gather valuable insights into product satisfaction, service levels, staff helpfulness, service speed, and pricing.

How to Take the Pet Supplies Neighbor Satisfaction Survey:

Survey Requirements:

  • A recent receipt from Pet Supplies Plus with the survey link.
  • A computer or mobile device.
  • An internet connection.

Where to Use:

Online at www.tellpetsuppliesplus.com

Steps to Take the Survey Online:

  1. Visit www.tellpetsuppliesplus.com.
  2. Click on the green "start survey" button.
  3. Enter the store number, transaction number, date, and time from the receipt.
  4. Confirm you are over 13 and proceed.
  5. Answer the survey questions, progressing through each page.
  6. On the final screen, enter your name, phone number, and email address to enter the $100 store gift card drawing.

Survey Video Guide:

Watch a step-by-step video guide at Pet Supplies Plus Survey Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaCqJ4ICgC0.

Official Website:

Explore Pet Supplies Plus and learn more about their offerings at the official website https://www.petsuppliesplus.com/.


By dedicating just a few minutes to complete the Pet Supplies Neighbor Satisfaction Survey, customers contribute to enhancing the overall shopping experience. The feedback provided helps the company make informed decisions to improve various aspects of service. As a token of appreciation, participants are entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $100 store gift card. Connect with Pet Supplies Plus, share your opinions, and be a part of the continuous improvement process.
