(www.tellwinndixie.co) The Winn-Dixie Guest Experience Survey: Share Your Feedback and Win Rewards

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The Winn-Dixie Guest Experience Survey: Share Your Feedback and Win Rewards

In the quest for continuous improvement and excellence, Winn-Dixie, a prominent supermarket chain based in Jacksonville, Florida, values your feedback and insights. The Winn-Dixie Guest Experience Survey, accessible at www.tellwinndixie.com, is a platform designed by the company to gather valuable opinions from its customers. This survey plays a pivotal role in enhancing various aspects of the company, including customer service and product offerings. After all, a company can only thrive and evolve when it understands the needs and preferences of its customers. In this article, we'll explore essential aspects of the Winn-Dixie Guest Experience Survey, including survey requirements, where to use it, and the enticing rewards it offers.

About Winn-Dixie:

Winn-Dixie is a leading supermarket chain, primarily situated in the southern region of the United States, with over 500 grocery stores operating in four states. Listed in the S&P 500 stock exchange, Winn-Dixie is not just your typical grocery store. They are renowned for their private label soft drinks, famously known as Chek soda, which has gained immense popularity in Florida, Georgia, and other Southern states. Winn-Dixie is deeply embedded in the communities it serves, making it an integral part of many people's lives.

Survey Requirements:

To participate in the Winn-Dixie Guest Experience Survey, there are a few requirements to keep in mind:

  • Access to a computer with an internet connection.
  • Proficiency in English or Spanish to understand the survey questions.
  • A recent Winn-Dixie receipt that includes an invitation to take the survey.
  • Participants must be 18 years of age or older.

How to Take the Survey:

Taking the Winn-Dixie Guest Experience Survey is a straightforward process:

  1. Visit the official survey website at www.tellwinndixie.com.
  2. If you prefer the survey in Spanish, click the blue hyperlink on the left side of the page. For English, proceed to step 3.
  3. Enter the 18-digit code located at the bottom of your receipt and click "start."
  4. Answer the survey questions about your most recent visit honestly and thoroughly. Utilize the text boxes provided for additional comments to provide more comprehensive feedback.
  5. At the end of the survey, you'll have the opportunity to enter a sweepstakes for a chance to win a $450 gift card to Winn-Dixie. If you choose not to enter, simply close your browser window. If you wish to enter, follow the instructions and provide your contact information as requested.

Where to Use the Survey:

The Winn-Dixie Guest Experience Survey can be accessed and completed online, making it a convenient way for customers to share their thoughts and opinions.

Winn-Dixie Official Website:

For more information about Winn-Dixie, including their products and services, visit their official website at https://www.winndixie.com/.


Participating in the Winn-Dixie Guest Experience Survey not only allows you to contribute to the improvement of Winn-Dixie's products and services but also gives you a chance to win exciting rewards. By sharing your honest feedback, you play a crucial role in shaping the future of this supermarket chain. Visit www.tellwinndixie.com today and seize the opportunity to make your voice heard while potentially winning a $450 gift card. Your opinions matter, and Winn-Dixie values your input as they strive to provide exceptional experiences for their customers.


Winn-Dixie Official Website: https://www.winndixie.com/