(www.mcdvoice.com) McDonald's Customer Satisfaction Survey: Share Feedback & Get Rewards

Please visit https://www.McDVoice.com/ .

About McDonald’s

McDonald's, the iconic fast-food chain, is not only the world's largest restaurant chain but also a symbol of American fast food culture. With over 36,000 locations worldwide, McDonald's is renowned for its burgers and has evolved from a barbecue restaurant in 1940 to an international fast-food giant. The company's offerings extend beyond burgers to include chicken nuggets, breakfast items, desserts, and salads, catering to around 68 million daily customers. With headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, McDonald's employs over 420,000 people globally.

Rewards for Your Input

Recognizing the value of customer feedback, McDonald's is committed to maintaining a consistently exceptional dining experience across its vast network of restaurants. To achieve this, the company invites its customers to participate in the McDonald’s Customer Satisfaction Survey. By sharing your thoughts, you not only contribute to improving their services and menu offerings but also receive rewards for your time and input.

Survey Requirements and Participation

Survey URL: https://www.mcdvoice.com/

Survey Prize: Buy one get one free quarter pounder w/cheese or egg mcmuffin

Receipt Valid: 7 Days

Offer Expires: 30 Days after receipt date

Survey Limit: 1 per person, per receipt

Offer Limit: Limit one free item per receipt and per visit

To take part in the survey:

  • Ensure you have a valid purchase receipt from McDonald's within the last week, whether it contains a survey code or not.
  • Use a device with internet access, such as a smartphone, computer, or tablet.
  • Participants must be residents of the Columbia District or the United States and at least 15 years old.
  • The survey is available in English and Spanish, so knowledge of either language is necessary.

Taking the Survey Online: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Have your receipt ready (within a week of purchase) and locate the 26-digit survey code.
  2. Visit McDonald's survey site: https://www.McDVoice.com/.
  3. Enter the survey code from your receipt for validation.
  4. Once validated, proceed with the online survey, answering questions about your recent McDonald's experience.
  5. Upon completion, you'll receive a validation code. Redeem it for a discount or a free meal during your next visit within seven days.

Enhance Your Experience with a Video Guide

For a visual guide on taking the survey online, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHz2AFpxNB0

Official Sources:

McDonald's Customer Satisfaction Survey Privacy Policy: https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/privacy.html

McDonald's Official Website: https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us.html


Participate in McDonald's Customer Satisfaction Survey to share your insights, enhance your future dining experiences, and enjoy enticing rewards. Your feedback helps McDonald's maintain its world-class customer experience and continue its legacy as a global fast-food leader.