(www.kroger.com/feedback) Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey on www.kroger.com/feedback

Please visit www.kroger.com/feedback .


The Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey on www.kroger.com/feedback is an excellent opportunity for customers to provide valuable feedback on the products and services offered by Kroger. By participating in this online survey, customers can help the company improve its offerings and enhance the overall shopping experience. In return for their valuable input, participants can earn 50 fuel points directly loaded into their accounts.

About Kroger Rewards:

Kroger, a renowned retail chain, values its customers' opinions and aims to continually improve its services and product offerings. The Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey serves as a platform for customers to express their thoughts, suggestions, and experiences with the company. By actively engaging in the survey, customers contribute to the company's efforts in providing better products and services.

Survey Requirements:

To participate in the Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey, participants must meet the following requirements:

  • Access to a computer with an internet connection.
  • Proficiency in English or Spanish to understand the survey questions.
  • Possession of a receipt containing a survey invitation at the bottom.

How to Take the Survey:

Follow these steps to take the Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey:

  1. Visit the official website at https://www.kroger.com/feedback.
  2. Enter the necessary details, such as the date, time, store number, terminal number, operator number, transaction number, and survey entry code, all of which can be found on the survey receipt.
  3. Respond to the survey questions honestly and thoroughly, providing any additional feedback if prompted to do so. Your insights will be instrumental in helping Kroger enhance its offerings.
  4. Complete all the questions on one page to proceed to the next section.
  5. Opt to receive 50 fuel points at the end of the survey. If not interested, simply close the browser window, as your feedback will still reach the company.

Where to Use Kroger Rewards:

The 50 fuel points earned through the Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey can be used as a discount on fuel purchases at Kroger fuel stations. This valuable incentive adds to the overall benefits of participating in the survey.


Kroger acknowledges the significance of customer feedback in shaping its business strategies. The Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey empowers customers to voice their opinions and play a crucial role in the company's continuous improvement. By taking a few moments to participate in the survey, customers not only help Kroger provide better products and services but also earn rewarding fuel points for their valuable input. Together, Kroger and its customers work towards creating a more satisfying shopping experience for all.