(www.homedepot.com/survey) Home Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey

Please visit www.HomeDepot.com/survey.


The Home Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey on www.HomeDepot.com/survey offers customers an opportunity to provide valuable feedback on the company's products and services. In return, participants have a chance to win a $5,000 Home Depot gift card. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the survey, its requirements, where you can use your rewards, and more.

About Home Depot Rewards:

By participating in this survey, you play a crucial role in helping Home Depot enhance its customer service and product quality. This feedback-driven initiative is the company's way of ensuring they meet and exceed your expectations.

Survey Requirements:

Before diving into the survey, it's important to understand the requirements:

  • Eligibility: To participate, you must be a permanent legal US resident within the 50 states, District of Columbia, Guam, and US Virgin Islands, aged 18 or older, with a unique and valid social security number.
  • Categories: You can enter as a consumer or a professional, depending on your occupation. Professionals include handymen, general contractors, property managers, construction workers, building operators, or special tradesmen.

How to Enter:

There are two ways to enter the Home Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey Sweepstakes:

  1. Online Entry:
    1. Visit www.HomeDepot.com/survey.
    2. Use the User ID and password printed on your receipt (valid for 14 days).
    3. Answer all survey questions and complete the entry form.
  2. Alternate Method of Entry:
    1. Write your complete name, phone number, email address, and category on a 3" x 5" card.
    2. Place the card in a business envelope.
    3. Mail it to the designated address as per the official rules.

Remember, only one entry per envelope is accepted.

Where to Use Your Rewards:

If you're one of the lucky winners, you'll receive a $5,000 Home Depot gift card. These gift cards can be used to purchase a wide range of home improvement products, tools, and services from Home Depot's extensive inventory.

Official Website:

For detailed information, official rules, and updates, visit the Home Depot official website at www.homedepot.com.


The Home Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey is not only an opportunity to win valuable rewards but also a chance to contribute to the improvement of Home Depot's services and products. By sharing your feedback, you help this renowned home improvement retailer continue to serve you better.

Sources: YouTube Video

Home Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey Sweepstakes Rules: Sweepstakes Rules

Home Depot Customer Satisfaction Survey Winner’s Lists: Winner’s Lists

Home Depot Official Website: www.homedepot.com