(www.kansascityzooexperience.com) Kansas City Zoo Visitor Satisfaction Survey

Please visit www.kansascityzooexperience.com .

About the Kansas City Zoo

The Kansas City Zoo, a beacon of wildlife conservation since its inauguration in December 1909, has continually captivated a global audience. Its mission transcends showcasing exotic wildlife, extending to fostering a profound appreciation for the environment and its denizens. Emphasizing education and conservation, the zoo stands as a vital entity working tirelessly to mitigate the extinction crisis affecting various animal species.

Survey Requirements

To ensure your voice is heard and your opinions matter, the Kansas City Zoo presents the Visitor Satisfaction Survey. This online survey avenue allows patrons to convey their thoughts, ultimately contributing to the enhancement of services and experiences. In essence, it's a platform where every opinion counts.

How to Participate in the Kansas City Zoo Visitor Satisfaction Survey

To embark on this enriching journey and avail of the associated rewards, follow these steps:

  • Survey URL: Access the survey at www.kansascityzooexperience.com.
  • Survey Eligibility: You must possess a recent Kansas City Zoo receipt containing an invitation to participate.
  • Survey Commencement:
    1. Enter the date of your visit and click "Start."
    2. Choose the time of your visit.
    3. Rate your zoo experience.
  • Answer the Questions: Provide detailed feedback by answering all questions on the page.
  • Membership Type: Select your membership type.
  • Rate Your Satisfaction: Express your level of satisfaction regarding specific aspects of your visit.
  • Feedback and Validation:

    Share if you encountered any problems and provide additional comments if necessary.

  • Indicate your likelihood to revisit and recommend the zoo to friends.
  • Validation and Reward:

    Note down the validation number you receive and redeem your offer with this number.

  • Where to Use Your Reward:

    Present the validation code received at the end of the survey on your next visit to the Kansas City Zoo, and avail of a special offer as a token of gratitude for your valuable input.


Your feedback is instrumental in shaping the Kansas City Zoo experience for yourself and future visitors. By participating in the Visitor Satisfaction Survey, you not only contribute to the enhancement of the zoo's offerings but also stand a chance to enjoy exclusive rewards. Take this opportunity to be an integral part of the Kansas City Zoo's commitment to excellence.
